Irrigation Activation and Winterizing
The Treasure Valley essentially is a large desert with an abundance of the Snake river to bring it to life. Irrigation is the lifeblood of every property in this area and Blue Ribbon makes it primary importance in every aspect of our landscape services.
We actually have several trucks in the field at any given time with professionally trained technicians ready to help you in Nampa, Caldwell, and Treasure Valley area.
Start-up activations; go through the entire system to ensure everything is working properly. And winterization is thoroughly done to protect you from freeze damage. Making sure your plants and trees are properly watered is something we take very seriously at Blue Ribbon Landscape.
Our irrigation activation service is a comprehensive assessment of your sprinkler system. Each spring we activate the water supply, test every zone, clean and adjust sprinkler nozzles and/or filters as needed, and set up your system controller with run times adjusted for the proper amount of springtime water in your landscape. As the temperatures increase, so will your water requirements, so be sure to adjust your controllers again in the summer or visit our irrigation management tab to see what we can offer for a green lawn all season long.

Sprinkler Blowout in Nampa and Caldwell
Winterizations are a necessity in our Idaho climate. Winter frost can reach well below the depths of most irrigation lines and it is important to have your system blown out each fall before the freeze. As ice expands in an irrigation line with no escape, then pipes, valves, fittings, and sprinkler heads could all potentially be damaged as a result. Compressed air, connected to your system's main line, clears out each zone and frees up space within the system for condensation to expand and contract over the course of the winter months. Your properly winterized system ensures next season's activation will be smooth sailing.